Dominica Citizenship By Investment
The Commonwealth of Dominica has been offering its citizenship by investment program since 1993, making it one of the oldest citizenship program around. The island is located 1400 miles south of the coast of Miami and is famous for hosting over 365 rivers flowing through its unique rainforests and mountainous terrain.
Investors may qualify for citizenship through a donation to the government fund or investment in real estate. The CBIU is the government authority overlooking the day to day operations of the citizenship programme and is regulated under the guidelines of the Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Act.
Apply Now
Free Assessment
- Fast application processing time of 3 months.
- No residency requirements.
- Visa free travel to over 130 countries including UK, Schengen region, Singapore and Hong Kong.
- No interview requirements.
- No language requirements.
- The ability to work and reside in the Commonwealth of Dominica.
- Limited taxation: no wealth, gift, foreign income or capital gains tax.
- Completely private application process.

Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment
These Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs allow individuals to acquire citizenship in a country by making an investment in the country’s economy. The investment can take various forms, such as a real estate purchase, a donation to a government fund, or a business investment.