Spain Residence by Investment Overview.

Spain offers a residency by investment program, commonly known as the Golden Visa program. It allows non-European Union (EU) citizens and their families to obtain residency in Spain by making a significant investment in the country.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must invest a minimum of €500,000 in Spanish real estate. This investment can be made through the purchase of one or more properties. Alternatively, applicants can invest €1 million in Spanish stocks, €1 million in Spanish government bonds, or €2 million in a Spanish bank deposit.

In addition to the investment, applicants must meet other requirements, such as not having a criminal record, having health insurance, and having sufficient funds to support themselves and their families in Spain.

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    Benefits of residence by investment in Spain.

    Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment.

    These Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs allow individuals to acquire citizenship in a country by making an investment in the country’s economy. The investment can take various forms, such as a real estate purchase, a donation to a government fund, or a business investment.
