All you need to know about St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment
Saint Lucia is a Caribbean island located north of Trinidad and Tobago. The country has been an independent state since 1979 and is a member of the Commonwealth Realm. The Saint Lucia citizenship by investment programme was launched in 2016 to promote and attract foreign direct investment on the island. The CIP overlooks and regulates the citizenship by investment programme in Saint Lucia.The programme offers a unique opportunity to invest in government securities and is popular amongst applicants wishing to make a low-risk investment in a government-owned asset. An investor may also qualify for citizenship by making a donation in a government fund or investment in real estate.
Apply Now
Free Assessment
- No residency requirements.
- Visa free travel to over 120 countries including UK, Schengen region, Singapore and Hong Kong.
- No interview requirements.
- No language requirements.
- Ability to work and reside in St Lucia.
- Limited taxation: no wealth, gift, foreign income or capital gains tax.
- Completely private application process.

Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment
These Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs allow individuals to acquire citizenship in a country by making an investment in the country’s economy. The investment can take various forms, such as a real estate purchase, a donation to a government fund, or a business investment.