
Overview of Vanuatu citizenship by investment program.

First launched in 2017, Citizenship by investment in Vanuatu is available to applicants who invest from $130,000 into a local development fund. Officially known as the Vanuatu “Development Support Programme” (DSP), the programme offers one of the fastest citizenship and second passport programmes in the world and is the only programme of its kind in the Asia-Pacific Hemisphere. Vanuatu, a chain of 80 islands in the south Pacific to the east of Australia is part of the Commonwealth. The official languages are English and French. Vanuatu offers Citizenship with full Ni-Vanuatu rights (less voting rights and political involvement.

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    Vanuatu Citizenship summary of benefits:

    Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment.

    These Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs allow individuals to acquire citizenship in a country by making an investment in the country’s economy. The investment can take various forms, such as a real estate purchase, a donation to a government fund, or a business investment.
